Calculating File Size Transfer Rate Transfer Time

Calculating File Size Transfer Rate Transfer Time

Posted by admin- in Home -21/11/17
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Play. Station 2 Memory Card File System. This document is a description of the file system layout as used on. Purpose. The Form for Reporting of RPT will provide IRAS with the relevant information to better assess companies transfer pricing risks and to improve on the. When calculating data transfer rates we have to understand a few things. Firstly for this example we are ignoring network latency and additional packet data that gets. Mbps stands for megabits per second MBps stands for megabytes per second. In everyday life, the difference between mbps and MBps. Play. Station 2 memory cards. Its based on the research I did while. Heat transfer is one of the most important industrial processes. Throughout any industrial facility, heat must be added, removed, or moved from one process stream to. PS2 memory card images. This document. tries to be comprehensive an accurate, but some details may be. At lot of assumptions had to. Sony. intended in every case. All most all of the names for structures. Nothing in this document should. For brevity, unused fields and flag bits are omitted from the tables. In most cases unused fields or flags should be assumed to be either. In particular. youll need to pad out the structures to the length given at the top. All values are stored on the card using the. NAND Flash Memory Basics. Glossary. A number of terms are used in this document that you may not. PS2. memory cards, so Ive created short glossary. See erase block. The unit of allocation used in the file system. A cluster. is one or more pages in size. ECCError correcting code. A means of encoding data so that random. The basic erasable unit on a memory card. A two byte unsigned half word value. The basic addressable unit on a memory card. Corresponds to page. The operation of changing erased bits on a flash device from 1 to 0. The first page on the memory card where important information. A four byte unsigned word value. Since Play. Station 2 PS2 memory cards use NAND Flash its helpful to. Flash is a non volatile form of memory that can be electrically. Since its non volatile, meaning it. However, flash memory does have number of limitations. PS2 uses its memory cards. One of the limitations is a relatively slow random access time. While much faster than hard disk, NAND flash is much slower than. RAM at reading random bytes in memory. Reading the first byte of. Fortunately. reading on sequentially is much faster. After the first. byte is read, each subsequent byte takes only about 5. For this reason NAND flash memory is organized in to pages. For example, with the TC5. V6. 4AFT, a flash device used in PS2 memory cards. Mbs. transfer rate. By comparison, the transfer rate for reading random. Because the serial bus the. PS2 uses to talk to memory cards isnt capable of 1. Mbs, actual. transfer rates will be slower. The biggest limitation of flash devices is how theyre written. Instead changing bits of memory to 0 or 1 depending on the data. Once a bit of memory has been changed to 0, it cant be changed. Erasing is an operation that sets. Once. a block is erased, it can be written through an operation called. Since an erase block. In order to. write a single page to a flash device you need to erase to the. However, since that will erase all. After the block is erased you then can program. Some flash devices work the other way, erasing sets the block. Another limitation is that flash memory isnt as reliable as RAM. A flash device will typically have a certain number of bad. Also, a block can. For this reason each page is divided into two parts, a. The data area is used to store ordinary. ECC, wear leveling, bad block remapping. The flash devices used in PS2 memory cards have a 5. This is divided into a 5. The spare area is used to store 1. ECC data, with. the remaining 4 bytes left unused. Erase blocks are 1. The are 1. 63. 84 pages, for a total combined raw data area capacity. File System Organization. Standard Memory. Card Layout. Superblock. 0x. 00. Unused 0x. 00. 10. Indirect FAT Table. FAT Table   0x. 00. Allocatable Clusters                   0x. ED2. Reserved Clusters     0x. FE0. Backup Block 2 0x. FF0. Backup Block 1. FFFThe PS2 memory card file system has a fairly simple design, with. Its. overall structure is similar to the well known MS DOS FAT file. It uses a file allocation table FAT to keep track of. Like the FAT file. PS2 memory. card file system groups flash memory pages in to clusters. On. standard PS2 memory cards, the cluster size 1. The Superblock. The key to the PS2 memory card file system is the superblock. Located in the first page of the memory, this is the only part of. While some things like. M memory cards, you. Superblock 3. 40 bytesOffset. Name. Type. Default. Description. 0x. 00magicbyte2. Identifies the card as being formatted. Set to the ASCII string Sony PS2 Memory Card Format. Cversionbyte1. 21. X. 0. 0. Version number of the format used. Version 1. 2 indicates full support for badblocklist. Size in bytes of a memory card page. Apagesperclusterhalf. The number of pages in a cluster. Cpagesperblockhalf. The number of pages in an erase block. E half. 0x. FF0. Doesnt seem to be used. The total size of the card in clusters. Cluster offset of the first allocatable cluster. Cluster values. in the FAT and directory entries are relative to this. This is the cluster immediately after the FAT0x. The cluster after the highest allocatable cluster. Relative to. Not used. Crootdirclusterword. First cluster of the root directory. Relative to. Must be zero. Erase block used as a backup area during programming. Normally the the last block on the card, it may have a different value. This block should be erased to all ones. Normally the the second last block on the card. List of indirect FAT clusters. On a standard 8. M card theres only one indirect FAT cluster. D0badblocklistword3. 3D Pdf Converter Serial. List of erase blocks that have errors and shouldnt be used. Memory card type. Must be 2, indicating that this is a PS2 memory card. Physical characteristics of the memory card. Card Flags. Mask. Name. Description. CFUSEECCCard supports ECC. CFBADBLOCKCard may have bad blocks. CFERASEZEROESErased blocks have all bits set to zero. Most of the fields in the superblock should be self explanatory. The fields pagelen, pagespercluster. The FAT can be accessed using. Cluster offsets in FAT and directory. File systems ment to be compatible with the PS2s memory card. The. field pagesize can be either 5. If the page size. The limit on pagesperblock is. There doesnt seem to be any upper limit on. While the clusters the make up the FAT can be located anywhere, the. File Allocation Table. The file allocation table is used for keeping track of which. Each entry in the table is a 3. If the the cluster corresponding to the entry is free then the most. Otherwise, it will be set and the. These indexes are relative to allocoffset given in. A value of 0x. FFFFFFFF indicates that this. Unlike the MS DOS FAT file system, the table isnt required to to. Instead a system of. The ifclist in the superblock contains a table 3. The entries. in the ifclist point to the clusters that make up the. The indirect table is also a table 3. So assuming a cluster size of 1. FAT might look something like this. Directories. Directories are for the most part like regular files, except that they. The root directory is. The first cluster of the root directory is given in the. FAT. Directory Entry Mode Flags. Mask. Name. Description. DFREADRead permission. DFWRITEWrite permission. DFEXECUTEExecute permission. Unused. 0x. 00. 08. DFPROTECTEDDirectory is copy protected. Meaningful only to the browser. DFFILERegular file. DFDIRECTORYDirectory. Used internally to create directories. Copied 0x. 01. 00 0x. OCREATUsed to create files. DF0. 40. 0Set when files and directories are created. DFPOCKETSTNPocket. Station application save file. DFPSXPlay. Station save file. DFHIDDENFile is hidden. DFEXISTSThis entry is in use. If this flag is clear, then the file or directory has been deleted. Directory Entry 5. Offset. Name. Type. Description. 0x. 00modehalf. See directory mode table. Length in bytes if a file, or entries if a directory. Transfer Pricing Administration IRASReporting of Related Party Transactions. Purpose. The Form for Reporting of RPT will provide IRAS with the relevant information to better assess companies transfer pricing risks and to improve on the enforcement of the arms length requirement. Filing Requirements and Threshold. From YA 2. 01. 8, a company must complete the Form for Reporting of RPT and submit it together with Form C if the value of RPT disclosed in the audited accounts for the financial year exceeds 1. The value of RPT is the sum of all RPT items in the Income Statement and the year end balances of loans and non trade amounts. For more information on the RPT requirement, a sample copy of the Form for Reporting of RPT and some frequently asked questions, please refer to the Reporting of RPT 5. KB. The actual Form will be uploaded to IRAS website together with the YA 2. Form C. Transfer Pricing Consultation. Purpose. Through the transfer pricing consultation TPC process, IRAS reviews and audits the transfer pricing methods and documentation of selected taxpayers to ensure that taxpayers comply with IRAS transfer pricing guidelines. TPC Process. The TPC process is illustrated in this flowchart. Please refer to Part II, Section 7 of the e Tax Guide Transfer Pricing Guidelines for more details. Overview of Mutual Agreement Procedures MAPsMAPs are the Mutual Agreement Procedures present in Singapores Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements DTAs. Under the MAP process, Singapore taxpayers can apply to IRAS to enter into discussions with Singapores tax treaty partners to eliminate any double taxation arising from transfer pricing adjustments. IRAS will not entertain requests for elimination of double taxation from transfer pricing adjustments, outside of the MAP process. If the taxpayer wishes to apply for MAP, the request must comply with the time limit stated in the relevant DTA. Many DTAs state that a MAP application must be made within 3 years from the first notification of the action giving rise to taxation not in accordance with the terms of the DTA. New In general, IRAS aims to resolve a MAP case within 2. Please refer to Part II sections 8 and 9 of the e Tax Guide Transfer Pricing Guidelines for more details. Overview of Advance Pricing Arrangements APAsAPAs refer to Advance Pricing Arrangements, which are agreements made in advance regarding the pricing of a taxpayers related party transactions, for a specific period of time. APAs can be agreements between IRAS and the taxpayer unilateral APA Agreements between IRAS and a tax treaty partner on the transfer pricing between entities in their respective countries bilateral APA or. Agreements between IRAS and 2 or more tax treaty partners on the transfer pricing between entities in their respective countries multilateral APA. The level of certainty in a unilateral APA is lower than a bilateral or multilateral APA. This is because the APA terms are non binding on the foreign tax authority which is not a party to the unilateral APA process. If Singapore does not have a DTA with the other tax jurisdictions, the unilateral APA comes under the framework of Singapores Advance Ruling System and a fee will be charged. If Singapore has a DTA with the other jurisdiction, the unilateral APA will be issued outside of the Advance Ruling System, and no fee will be charged for the unilateral APA. New The  Final Report on Action 5 Countering Harmful Tax Practices More Effectively, taking into Account Transparency and Substance published by the OECD in October 2. Under the framework, IRAS will spontaneously exchange information on cross border unilateral APAs with certain jurisdictions. Please refer to Part II, sections 8 and 1. Tax Guide Transfer Pricing Guidelines for more details, including the administrative process of applying for an APA.